Sunday, January 23, 2011

How We Met - Lauren's version

So December 4, 2010 was the start of it all. It was just a normal Saturday, and I was out running errands like I typically spend my Saturday mornings being a working woman. I needed to go to the bank to deposit my paycheck (probably the only time I would be grateful for not having direct deposit)! I usually just go through the drive up because let's face it, so much easier. However, as I was pulling up to the bank I had an impression to go inside. I decided hey why not, and went inside. When I walked in I noticed a cute teller that was working, and secretly hoped he'd be the one to help me. Turns out he did! He was pretty quite and I could tell he was exhausted, so being the outgoing person that I am, I asked him what was up. He told me he had just taken his EMT practical test the night before and stayed up most of the night stressing about it and wondering how he did. I told him I was sure he did fine, and to not worry. As I was walking out he was all "have a good day Lauren!" and I had an impression right then and there I should give him my number. Since there were other people inside the bank waiting to be helped, and it would be weird to turn around, walk back over and hand him my number... I continued to walk out and tried to think of some way to give him my number. When I got back into my car, I took my receipt, wrote a little note on it with my number and proceeded to go through the drive-up. I stuck the note into the tube, shot it up, and drove off. Never in a million years did I think he'd ever text or call me. I simply thought it was fun, and followed the prompting.

I continued going about my errands, and then went home and took a nap. When I woke up, I checked my phone, like I always do right when I wake up, and was surprised to find two texts from the cute guy at the bank, "so I see you're a Washington gal, I'm from Seattle too" & "smooth move in the drive-up by the way"! I was like no way! We proceeded to text back and forth for the rest of the afternoon and the rest is history.

My version, it was love at first sight. Simply wonderful.

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